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~love it~
~love it!~

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Luahan Hati Pelajar Yang Tak Seberapa Ni Ha

(amboi garangnya)
Here I am wanna tell everyone about my problems nowadays
Here's the nightmare~
My Crisis
Well everyone in Malaysia will (or) have to study in high schools
Standard school hours: 7.30 a.m-1.35 p.m
Well its more or less than 6 hours rite?
The main problem is...
My school teacher gave me a lot of homeworks
I came home about 3.00 p.m cause my class is so special (kelas agama lawl)
Of course, chill out dulu
When it comes to night I will start doing homework
for about 8 p.m until 12 a.m
I have to sleep late and wake up early
4.15 a.m onwards 
My math teacher (and my add math teacher) give me a lot of homework
Each of the subject takes 4-5 hours to being finished (well I'm not genius oh God save me)
I didn't have time to finished all of it I have other homeworks to do
And if I don't step out from my room after came back from school 
just to make my homework
of course I will not spending my time with my family
It's kinda unfair rite?
After I end my school of course I will ended up busy at the university
Ini jelah masa nak spend masa dengan family
Jarang dah nak pi masjid semata2 homework yang banyak tuh :c
Covering it with tahajjjud doesn't enough
We have to get some tarbiyah rite?
That's all for now

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